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Aescripts: Dot Pixels v2.5 for After Effects (Win32/Win64)
[ ] 22.01.2012, 23:21

Dot Pixels 2.5 - Плагин для After Effects и Premiere Pro для пикселизации ваших изображений в круги и кольца, позволяет создавать эффекты светодиодных экранов или пористых поверхностей. Может также быть использован для создания новых абстрактных, художественные версий изображений и футажей. Имеется возможность дополнительного затенения, которая поможет вам моделировать сферические и выпуклые объекты.
Dot Pixels 2.5 - A native plugin for After Effects and Premiere Pro to pixelate your image into circles and rings. Highly useful to create LED screen effect or a porous surface effect. Can also be used to create new abstract, artistic version of images and footage. It has optional shading that helps you to simulate spherical and torus objects. Check out the sample images below to understand its capabilities.

- Pixelates into circles and rings.
- Shading option to simulate spherical and torus objects.
- 32bit Floating Point Support (AE only).
- Compatible with After Effects & Premiere Pro.

- Dimension Factor: The dimension factor to pixelate the image and also the size of each pixel block after pixelation. Increase this parameter to increase the size of each block/circle/ring generated by the filter.
- Outer Roundness: The Outer roundness of each pixel block. Increase this parameter to decrease the size of each circle.
- Inner Radius: Control the radius if the inner circle in a ring. Increase this parameter to make the ring thinner.
- Shading Type: Type of shading to be applied to pixel blocks. Spherical shading is generally applied to circles and Ring shading is applied to get shaded rings.
- Shading: Amount of shading to be applied for each circle/ring. By default no shading is applied.
- Fill Background: Checkbox to fill background with a color or not. By default, the background is transparent.
- BG Color: The Background color to apply, if ‘Fill Background’ is checked.

Changes in Version 2.5
- Converted to native plugin and added Premiere Pro support

- After Effects CS3, CS4, CS5, CS5.5
- Premiere Pro

Release Name: Dot Pixels v2.5-V.R.
Program Type: After Effects Plug-in
Release Date: December 22nd, 2011
Publisher: Aescripts
Homepage: _aescripts.com/dot-pixels/
Interface Language: English
Platform: Win32/Win64
File Size: 12.15 MB

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