Digital Tutors - Introduction to Maya 2012 [2011, ENG]
23.08.2011, 23:24
In this series of lessons, we will help you get a strong understanding of Maya and how it works. You'll get the chance to work with many of the Maya instructors here at Digital-Tutors who will show you how to use some of the major components of Maya. In this course, we'll start by giving you the foundational skills and vocabulary you'll need in order to move around within Maya, and then we'll jump right into the Modeling section of the course. After completing the Modeling section, you'll get the chance try your hand at Texturing, Rigging, Animation, Dynamics, and finally, Lighting and Rendering your own animation. Our goal is not to weigh you down with technical information, but rather to help you form good habits and strong workflows so you can become a proficient Maya artist.
Содержание 1. Introduction and project overview 2. Camera navigation and object creation in Maya 3. Maya interface overview 4. Creating your first Maya project 5. Saving Maya files 6. Viewport shading modes in Maya 7. Object transformation tools 8. Working with the Channel Box and Layer Editor 9. Using the Attribute Editor 10. Grouping and parenting objects in Maya 11. Working with the Maya Hotbox 12. Selection Masks in Maya 13. Writing your first MEL script 14. Working with shelves in Maya 15. Modeling Section Overview 16. Lofting the fuselage with curves 17. Trimming out part of the body 18. Creating the sides of the cockpit 19. Building the wing base 20. Converting the wing to polygons 21. Cutting flaps from the wing 22. Building the rear engine block 23. Adding curved pipes to the engine 24. Starting the turbo fan 25. Building the fan blades 26. Starting the front spine piece 27. Adding detail to finish the spine 28. Duplicating geometry to add overlapping pieces 29. Adding secondary details on the fuselage 30. Building panels from converted geometry 31. Extracting curves to build the windscreen 32. Building the fins from primitive geometry 33. Modeling the interior of the cockpit 34. Adding the exhaust ports 35. Modeling final details 36. Importing geometry and adding the fuel line 37. Materials and Texturing Overview 38. Working with the Hypershade 39. Applying and manipulating simple materials 40. Using ramps 41. Adding multiple materials to objects 42. Working with transparency 43. The basics of UVs 44. Working with procedural textures 45. Combining procedural nodes 46. Adding specialized materials 47. Using external file textures 48. Working with Substance textures 49. Rigging Section Overview 50. Creating control curves 51. Using display layers to organize our rig 52. Modifying an object's orientation and pivot 53. Utilizing selection handles 54. Working with Clusters 55. Creating custom attributes 56. Using the Connection Editor to drive attributes 57. Using Set Driven Keys to simplify the rigging process 58. Automating movement with expressions 59. Adding a speed setting for the expression 60. Drawing your first joint chain 61. Using Maya's IK Handle Tool 62. Binding geometry to joints 63. Making your scene animator-friendly 64. Animation Section Overview 65. Learning to keyframe and modify keys on the Time Slider 66. Managing keyframes in the Graph Editor 67. Seamlessly cycling animation 68. Animating an object along a path 69. Modifying how an object interpolates along a path 70. Working with Autokey 71. Correcting animation with Editable Motion Trails 72. Previewing animation in real-time with playblasts 73. Dynamics section overview 74. Creating a dynamic fire effect 75. Creating a particle emitter 76. Connecting emitters to objects 77. Creating per-particle attributes 78. Using the Particle Volume Shader 79. Lighting and Rendering section overview 80. Working with the Maya Render View 81. Controlling anti-aliasing quality of your renders 82. Understanding Clipping Planes and Resolution Gates 83. Understanding the various light types in Maya 84. Common light attributes 85. Adding shadows to your renders 86. Changing the Render Stats of objects 87. Matching lights to a photographic environment 88. Using the Attribute Spread Sheet 89. Adding motion blur to your renders 90. Rendering an animated sequence from Maya
Год выпуска: 2011 Производитель:Digital tutors Продолжительность: 10 часов 29 минут Тип материала: Видеоурок Язык: Английский Файлы примеров: присутствуют Формат видео: flv Видео: Flash Video 4 1280x720 Аудио: MPEG Audio Layer 3 44100Hz mono 96kbps