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Red Giant Guru Presets: Simon Walkers Master Artists for Looks 2
[ ] 21.12.2011, 21:10

Red Giant Guru Presets: Simon Walker's Master Artists for Looks 2 - Режиссеры и кинематографисты уже давно используют визуальные стили великих художников мастеров в своих работах и достгают потрясающих эффектов в кино и видео. Теперь вы можете повторить эти методы в ваших собственных фильмах используя Master Artists for Looks 2, коллекцию из 30 пресетов, созданных Red Giant гуру, колористом Саймоном Уокером.

Классические художники, которые посвятили всю свою жизнь исследованию света, цвета и образов, научили нас очень многому о композиции, цвета и света в видео. Эти гуру-пресеты дадут вам уверенность, что ваши футажи будут выглядеть, как работы великих художников.

Red Giant Guru Presets: Simon Walker's Master Artists for Looks 2 - Grade like a Master Artist with 30 film looks. Film directors and cinematographers have long been influenced by the paintings of Master Artists, using the visual language explored by these painters to inform their own film and video work. Visual techniques like Chiaroscuro, Sfumato and the Impressionist style of capturing light, color and specular highlights have all been used to stunning effect in film and video. Now you can replicate these techniques in your own films using Master Artists for Looks, a collection of presets created by Red Giant Guru and Colorist Simon Walker.

Classical painters who spent their lives investigating light, color and form have taught us a great deal about composition, color and light in video. This Guru Preset will give you the confidence to shoot and grade your footage like an artist.

- Stunning painterly treatments are easily applied to a wide range of footage, including landscapes, interiors and closeups.
- 30 original visual looks are based on techniques of Master Artists from the Renaissance through Post-Impressionism.
- Classical presets include the light and airiness of the early fresco painters, through Chiaroscuro and Sfumato Renaissance techniques.
- Modern art painting is represented by colorful styles that include Impressionist, Post-Impressionist and Colourist.
- Spanning the centuries from Fra Angelico to Picasso, these looks are carefully crafted to give your films the look of a fine art masterpiece.

System Requirements
- Requires Magic Bullet Looks 2
- Works in host apps supported by Looks 2; including recent versions of After Effects, Final Cut Pro, Premiere Pro, Avid, Motion
- Not compatible with Magic Bullet Looks 1, Quick Looks or PhotoLooks.
- Not compatible with Quick Looks Limited, which ships with Adobe CS5.

Release Name: Red Giant Guru Presets: Simon Walker's Master Artists for Looks 2
Type: VideoFX, Plug-ins
Release Date: Dec 2011
Publisher: Red Giant Software
Homepage: www.redgiantsoftware.com/products/all/master-artists/
Interface Language: English
Platform: Windows XP, Vista, 7 (32-bit and 64-bit)
File Size: 84.82 MB

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